Updated portfolio again, now including my work on Transmogrify, Glacial Strain, and my own project Iron Siren. Since the last update I've also now setup an account on BlueSky and Mastadon.
Links below
Finally found the time to do a quick portfolio update as much of what I worked on over the past 2 years wasn't on here.
I'll need to swap out some of the gifs for proper videos, but for now at least its up to date.
I finished 2 major map projects in the past few months. Both CP_Mist and CTF_Hyperline have gone from "almost done" to 100% done and released. And to round things off I updated my old map CTF_Urbanbrook to bring it up to my current standards.
To commemorate this achievement of project finishing I have since launched an Art Station page. Currently it is just my map work, but I plan on adding my other artwork there too. You can find the page here.
There are other things that have happened in this time as well.
I've been doing some work on the CartCrawlers Successor, or more accurately, a way to make the work I put into cartcrawlers sellable. And my work in that as led me to a rather unique visual style.
I use a fragment shader to apply spinning decals to this tree, because its all handled shader side I don't need to worry about unexpected performance drops, even with millions of decals. However,
because its shader side its always running at full cost, so your paying for every pixel being a decal, even if they arn't. However, Modern GPUs are very fast and my pixel art game is only 460x270, so it works out.
I will need to do additional performance testing but I think I really landed something here.
Also heres the new main character running, (without her arm sprites)
I also spend some time working on a pitch for an Unreal4 Blueprint Programming position. To cover ground in the engine I hadn't I decided to start a new project for the occasion.
Trees seem to be a theme here.
It was called Duck Island and it focused around Ducks, Trees, and the life cycle of the Island. I didn't get that far beyond things working rudimentarily, but they do work.
Besides that I'm continuing to look for work (hence the updated portfolio).
There have been many events since I last updated this site, so I've gone through the pages and added the stuff I have worked on in the past year.
I've updated my portfolio with my newer work, this includes some of what I was working on at filament as well as a map project I've spent the past 2 weeks polishing up to a presentable level.
I'm still figuring out what to do next while I wait for the feedback on my map to come in. Re-purposing the cartcrawlers (a project thats still wip, see here link) codebase of one of for a new game would make the most sense, seeing as that is already a functioning engine.
Although that won't do much for buffing up my environment art portfolio, I have some ideas for what to do with this (outside of maps for TF2), but I don't think it would be worth the time investment to go into right now.
Late 2017 through Early 2018 was an eventful time for me. I worked as a Visual Interaction Designer at Filament Games for about six months in downtown Madison. Meanwhile the lead developer of Rocket Theater has decided to work on other things, so that project is on hold for now, possibly indefinitly.
Currently, I'm between jobs at the moment, my internet situation has improved considerably since last time I was in this situation which opens up a whole category of remote opportunities, who knows what will come up next.
In order to gain attention for our upcoming kickstarter, we decided to release a free alpha version of Rocket Theater. We are updating it on a weekly basis.
You can take a look at it for yourself here
I have released a major update to my website (which you are currently looking at).
My portfolio has been updated with my most recent projects, and I added a map section, seeing as most of my TF2 mapping experiments don't reach portfolio quality, but are good enough to warrant space on this site somewhere.
Also, this blog now looks a little different, not that you would know, unless your a regular to this blog, does this blog have regular visitors? Maybe I should add a counter . . .
It has been a while since my last update, so here is what I have been up to.
Firstly, I'm changing my branding a bit, I'm now pushing myself as an environment artist rather than a technical one.
This is partially because there are no jobs for entry level technical artists (although if you know of one, please let me know), I have been doing more environment art recently anyways.
Arctica has been put on hold for now, because I have gotten involved in another project, called Rocket Theater.
It's a 2D physics stunt game with a heavy focus on explosions. I'm the main artist for the project and am working with Ian who is the programmer.
The project is built using Unity engine, and I am using Blender to make most of the assets.
See the development blog here for more details. https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=60280.0
My new project is called Arctica, it is an Action Platformer Rouge-lite. I have successfully moved operations over to my own engine and development is moving again. To read more about Arctica, click on the link to my dev-log, which will be updated regularly.
I am no longer working on Generantis and have shifted development to something new. This is due to Ian, the main programmer for Generantis, deciding to drop the project. Rather than continuing on my own in Ian's codebase (java / LWJGL ), I decided to shift development over to the latest build of the engine I made for Ambure. ( c++ / SFML ). Things are still in the early stages of development, hopefully I will get some screenshots up on this site soon.
I am no longer working on Generantis and have shifted development to something new. This is due to Ian, the main programmer for Generantis, deciding to drop the project. Rather than continuing on my own in Ian's codebase (java / LWJGL ), I decided to shift development over to the latest build of the engine I made for Ambure. ( c++ / SFML ). Things are still in the early stages of development, hopefully I will get some screenshots up on this site soon.
The old portfolio site was feeling a little simplistic. So I decided to update it. As of writing its still not perfect, the new site has lots of video content and fancy CSS3 that makes it not function right in some edge cases. (curiously, it doesn't work well in a modern ipad's safari, but works fine in an outdated ipod touch's safari).
I'll keep the old site up here in case anyone is curious.
As for what i'm currently working on, I have been busy working with Ian to get Generantis to an alpha state prior to August. I'll try to keep this blog update weekly with my progress from now on.
Hello, I'm Lawrence Granroth, and this is my new web site. It was mainly created for holding my portfolio and contact information for networking purposes. I decided to include a blog section just in case I needed it some day